About the Trainings

The Training Program

The Beginner to Intermediate program begin’s with minimal equipment. Over the weeks the intensity will increase as will your strength. Shortly into the trainings you will need to buy dumbbells as we include more variety of exercises in the trainings. Louise will be with you from the start of the training until the end of the training. You don’t need a timer for the exercises, it is all done for you, just follow the Trainer. After purchasing the monthly subscription, please go to Instagram account @louisemccauley_train.with.me and join the trainings . All videos have been uploaded and it is recommended that you do three to four per week. Start with the first video and work your way up. All trainings are titled, so you know what to expect. The subscription begins the moment it is purchased.

The trainings are designed to give you variety and the most effective results possible. They will challenge you by means of intensity, timing, and type of training.

These Programs will NOT be boring!